Diamant Reborn, Vintage Machine Repair

Repairing is not just about repairing past functional important necessary objects..its about preserving a piece of history. This repair for me will start with a single grind hopefully in the end. This particular grinder came from a little country store that was in operation over 50 years ago I was told. Deep set in history I set out to find out more about it. Not often you come across something like this at a roadside flea market. The Diamant cast iron wheat and coffee grinder was made in the early 20th century by the Diamant company.The cast iron construction and simple hand crank design made it very popular. Once a relic I will try to bring back to its glory of grinding some bean..probably not wheat. I did a little research and got to work. I tried to be careful in disassembly but I had to use a hammer and pliars a little hard. Wd-40 played an important role in helping loosen stuck parts, removing rust, and overall cleaning and lubricating. WD-40 was a successful part of showing the grinder's original functionality.

Step 1

problem solving in my head..

Step 2

I got busy with a screwdriver and a wrench with the wd 40 and hoped for the best.I disassembled some parts, spent alot of time on rust and corrosion and seized bolts. The grinding wheels, axels and gears got taken care of with WD-40. Stuck became unstuck..and parts became unseized. I assembled all the parts....

Step 3

I turned the repaired handle...slowly but surely..smoother it got. Now ill make my own double double in the morning..once I get some beans. I was challenged to do this and inspired by my friend who knows I love old stuff and love to repair old machinery. I hope this machine will grind on for more time to come. Cheers.


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Suite 214
Toronto, ON
M9C 5K6

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