Finnishing my sons car after he passed away!

My son purchased a $420 2003 Mazda Speed Protege in 2019 - to say it needed alot of work is an understatement. This car went through many variations and had body work, color change, welding to the steering linkage, multiple motors and thousands of hours and friends time. My son's dream was to build the car to Driven the largest aftermarket show in Canada. Sadly Grayson passed away a week before Driven 2023. All of these pictures show a very very very small fraction of the work done. After my son passed a family friend and my son's mentor and myself spend that last year working on the car. The car was entered into driven and we won an award for the car. This was my son's dream. This contest would not have been possible without Wd-40 - I can tell you that I would buy the biggest packs I could get at costco and then all the other products as well. If you want to see the cars journey and learn about my son:

Step 1

My son wanted to paint the inside of engine bay!

Step 2

Engine bay was completely stripped! Yes wd40 helped get old rusty stuff removed!

Step 3

Sadly this is the day before my son passed away! This is where my journey began in getting car ready for driven!

Step 4

Just one small thing that we used wd40 for!

Step 5

My 18 year old son was moving the fuze box the trunk as well as the battery! Yes this was very difficult.

Step 6

1 full year of work! Engine done and ready to roll!

Step 7

Custom lights with his name in the lenses!

Step 8

This was a very emotional day! I have a video of it in the description! We created a whole series of the build in YouTube!


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