Replace alternator

My car’s alternator stopped charging the battery. The old one appeared to be original - so has at least over 300k km on it. I got the replacement from Canadian tire. And left it on a shelf in my garage for a couple of days. During those days, I’d regularly apply WD40 to all the bolts holding the original alternator in place. Religiously, even. Before I start any project where I have to deal with rusty bolts, I always soak the bolt in WD40. If I don’t, I know I’ll be snapping bolts. A few days into it, I replaced the alternator. Very easy work. And thank you WD40 for making it easier.

Step 1

The old alternator next to the new one. The old one would not have come off so easily if I didn’t soak it in wd40. Thank you, WD40. - Sajeev


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