WD-40 The Wind Beneath My Wings

Years ago while clearing land I came across this old weather gauge or wind gauge. It looked pretty interesting, it was ovious where it landed it was on a little barn in the south end of the property, entangled in undergrowth. It was a bit wobbly and rusty but still I took it home and it sat idle again but in a new shed for years. I decided I was up for the challenge and would love to get this old piece of metal work working again giving wind directions. Accurate or not in the end didnt matter, as long as it was functioning not necessarily accurate, it looked pretty amazing to me.

Step 1

rusty parts, corroded parts, stuck parts, wobbly parts, seized parts, frozen like parts, jammed parts, everything needed care..but nothing was to big handle for WD-40!!

Step 2

Spray a good spray outside ventilated. I didnt hold back, I sprayed everything for good measure.

Step 3

rusted screws, hinges and mechanical parts were given a good saturation to make them moveable enough maybe to function...better than I thought was the end result. I do not know how accurate enough yet but this first of the repair was a success. A wonderful piece of today I would call art and an excellent craftmanship. The bearings amd pivots were like new. No more wobbly unsecure rusty parts. What could be cleaned up was cleaned up and repaired like a southern wind breeze. My repair might just help me eventually predict the wind, determine when I will spend time in my garden or just enjoy a wonderful piece of metal fabrication. Wd-40 has helped me (Maybe) harness the power of the wind.


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